Sabrina Mahisha Mahboob

Position: Associate

LL.M in International Law; LL.B (Hons) East West University, Dhaka

Ms. Sabrina completed her LL.B. (Hons) in 2019 and her LL.M. in International Law in 2021. She graduated with great distinction and was awarded the Magna Cum Laude for her academic excellence. She has worked as a Teaching Assistant at East-West University for more than 3 years. She is also an enrolled Advocate of the Dhaka Judge Court.

Currently, she is working as an Associate with the team of Jural Acuity. She has excellent research and analytical skills and is also well acquainted with drafting and formulating legal documents as well as providing Legal Opinions, vetting, and drafting various documents relating to Company matters. Ms. Mahboob has an interest and expertise in Data Security laws, Labour Issues, International Laws, Civil Matters, and Company Matters.

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