by Sabrina Mahisha Mahboob

In Bangladesh, Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006 & Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015 are the two major legislations that regulate Labor issues in Bangladesh. These legislations are made not only to maintain a healthy relationship between the Employer and the Worker but also to ensure a healthy & secure environment in which workers can work independently and safely. Hence, every Employer has to comply with the following requirements before starting their establishment. Otherwise, the penalty will be imposed upon him as per the relevant laws of Bangladesh :

SL No Sections & Rules The gist of the Provision
  1.   Section: 5 & Rule No. 19(4,5)   Every Employer is bound to provide an Appointment Letter and Identity Card with his Photograph. The letter of appointment shall consist of the workers’ basic information. Moreover, the owner shall bear the cost of the Worker’s identity card as per Form-6 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015.  
  2.   Section: 6,7,8 & Rule No. 20,21   Every Employer shall, at his own cost, provide a Service Book to every Worker as per Form-07 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015, except an apprentice, substitute, or casual Worker, which shall be kept in the custody of the Employer. The Worker can keep and maintain a duplicate copy of his service book at his own cost if he desires so. The necessary information about the Worker shall be included in the Service Book within one month of making it permanent.  
  3.   Section: 9(1) & Rule No. 23   A register of workers shall be maintained as per Form-8 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015, which shall consist of particulars like the name, address, birth date, designation, department, employment period, wages and allowance & conduct of the Worker, etc., and make it available to the IInspectorfor inspection at all times during working hours.  
  4.   Section: 58 & Rule No. 50   Every establishment should provide such arrangements to supply sufficient purified potable water for all workers. In case of underground water or supply in another way, the owner should procure and preserve the certificate from the public health engineering Department or any other organization authorized by the Government.  
  5.   Section: 61 & Rule No. 58(1, 3, 7)     If an Inspector notices any building, or any part thereof, or any road, machinery, or plant of an establishment is in a condition that is dangerous to human life or safety. He may be an order in writing that will direct the Employer to take necessary measures.
  6.   Section: 62 & Rule No. 55     The establishment shall provide such means of exit, including at least one alternative staircase connecting with every floor at the time of fire and firefighting equipment as may be prescribed under Rule 55 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015
  7.   Section: 78(A) & Rule No. 67     The Employer shall provide personal safety equipment to the Employee. The information on maintaining safety equipment must be preserved in accordance with Form-23 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015.  
  8.   Section: 80 & Rule No. 69,70   In case of any accident occurring in any establishment, the Employer shall immediately notify the concerned authorities, i.e., Government, Fire services, Police Stations, etc., and give Notice to the Inspector within two days after such occurrence. In case of a Fatal accident, Notice should be given to the concerned authority within 2(two) days, and in case of a Minor Accident, Notice should be given to the concerned authority within 7 (seven) days in the format of Form No.27 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015  
  9.   Section: 89(1) & Rule No. 76     At least one First-aid box or cupboard equipped with all the contents prescribed by Rule 76 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules,2015, shall be provided for every 150 workers ordinarily employed in the establishment, and a permanent medical center shall be arranged if 5000 workers are employed thereof.  
  10.   Section: 93 & Rule No. 92     Where more than 25 workers are employed, a separate Dining Room will be provided with all the facilities as per Rule 92 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015
  11.   Section: 111(8) & Rule No. 105             A notice showing the hours of work for adult workers shall be displayed, and two copies of such notices shall be sent for approval to the Inspector when the work in the establishment starts.  This working hour shall not exceed 10(ten) hours (including his interval for rest or meal).  
  12.   Sections: 115,116,117 & Rule No. 24     The Employer should ensure casual leave, sick leave, and sick leave with wages for the employees as per law.  A Leave Register should be maintained as per Form-9 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015.
  13.   Section: 117 & Rule No. 107   Every adult worker who has completed 1(one) year of continuous service in an establishment shall be entitled to get Annual leave with wages for the following period of 12 (twelve) months. In this regard, leave with wages for days shall be calculated by considering the presence of the Worker in the workplace for the previous 12(twelve) months to be considered.  
  14.   Section: 118 & Rule No. 110(2)     Every Worker shall be allowed 11(eleven) days in a year of the festival holiday with wages. The list of festival holidays should be hung on the noticeboard. A copy of the Notice shall be sent to the concerned Inspector.
  15.   Section: 325 & Rule No. 352   An owner shall have to submit two copies of Notices to the Inspector General or concerned Deputy Inspector General as per Form-75 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015.
  16.   Section: 326 & Rule No.352     An Employer shall, at least 15(fifteen) days before starting work or business in his establishment, send a notice to the Chief Inspector. Before using, changing, or expanding any house or premises as a Factory, written approval from the Inspector General or person empowered by him should be taken.  
  17.   Section: 333 & Rule No. 362     The Owner or Manager of the establishment shall submit half-yearly statements as per Form-80 by 15 July and Yearly statements as per Form-81 of the Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015, by 15 February to the inspector general.  
  18.   Section: 337 & Rule No. 364     An abstract or gist of the necessary provisions of the Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006, should be written in Bangla & Plain text. This shall be displayed in the conspicuous place of every establishment.

Generally, if the IInspector finds any such irregularity, the IInspector should issue a show-cause notice to the concerned authority. Moreover, in case of not having/maintaining requisite documents/ books/records and not serving requisite Notice to the labor authority, the labor authority may bring proceedings under section 303 (uma) of the Labour Act 2006.  These are criminal offenses, and the Court can pass an Order of Imprisonment for up to 6 months and can also penalize up to Tk. 5,000 under section 303(uma) and up to Tk. 25,000 for section 307. In reference to illegal reduction, the Court can award compensation to the aggrieved as provided under section 20 of the Act. In relation to the failure to notify the Authorities about the Accidents as provided by law, and the accident results in serious bodily injury, be punished with a fine not exceeding 1000 (one thousand) taka, or if the accident results in loss of life, be punished with imprisonment which may extend to 6 (six) months, or with fine up to 3000 (three thousand) taka or both. Apart from this, if any person is found to contravene or fail to comply with any provision of this Act or any rules, he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 (three) months or with a fine which may extend to 25,000 (twenty-five thousand) taka, or with both.

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